Aged care products and aged care equipment can come in various types such as rollators, commodes,
wheelchairs, crutches. They are important for people in aged care facilities, nursing homes, residential
homes and hospitals, here are three reasons why aged care products and aged care equipment are important.
1) They help aging individuals
As individuals get much older they can begin to become more fragile, frail and lose their mobility, aged care
products and aged care equipment provide individuals with more safety, comfort and mobility to make life
easier. They also allow individuals to remain as independent as possible.
2) They help reduce strain on carers and nurses
Being a carer or nurse for people is a very tough job, however aged care products and aged care equipment
helps reduce strain on these carers and nurses, by having products that make it easier to move them around,
help them in the toilet and bathroom.
3) They can potentially prolong individual lives
As aged care products and aged care equipment reduce the risk of injuries, strain and sometimes even death,
they can prolong the lives of people this is why it is very important to use high quality aged care products
when you are disabled, fragile and frail.